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OK - my last blog might've flipped you out because you have to change your diet and maybe cut out some things that you really like to I'm going to give you the superduper fastest way to anti-inflame your body. Read Reverse Aging by Shang Wang! No time? Then read this blog!! I have read so many different and diverse theories on water, that my head is spinning! Yet I find that water is one of the most important tools we have to help keep us healthy. Many of the people I speak to are also confused at what...
You know the old saying, "What you don't know won't hurt you." Well I never believed that was true.And I certainly don't believe what you can't smell can't hurt you. I'm not talking about an odorless gas like carbon monoxide. We all know that can hurt you. But what about the things that you can't smell that can hurt you but that you don't know are bad for you? Or how about things you can smell but get used to so you up the amount so that you can smell it? What am I talking about? How about perfumes, how...
When I got involved with Dr. Gonzalez, I was already a full-fledged raw foodie thanks to Dr. Brantley, so I didn't need to learn about the nutritional part of the protocol. I need to know how to supplement the body, and tame cancer, to keep the body healthy. This I learned from Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez. The question is: how did Dr. Gonzalez stumble on a protocol for cancer that worked? Dr. Gonzalez was a med student working under the head of oncology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. To begin with, he was incredibly intelligent and very involved with conventional...
Hindsight is 20/20. The older I get the more I realize how unjust 20/20 hindsight is! If I would've known some of the things at 20 that I know now - I never would've had health issues. I starved myself as a model. In fact, the first two years I was working, I went from 165 pounds to 115 pounds and grew 2 inches from 5 foot 8 to 5 foot 10. By the time I was on the cover of Sports Illustrated, I was 115 pounds and 5 foot 10. From what I know about the body today, I...
My radiologist once told me- it's not "if" someone will get cancer, it's "when". Do you understand what that means? It means that everyone will face that battle sooner or later in their lifetime. I remember Dr. Brantley told me that, at the turn of last century, 1 person in 1000 got cancer- and at the turn of this past century it was supposedly 1 in 2 (that means 50 out of every 100 people! Half the population! And getting worse!) And according to the radiologist mentioned below, in the news article, it will very soon be 1 out of...
About Dubbed The Face by The Fashion Industry, Carol Alt is a pioneer and chameleon in the fashion, entertainment and Health industries; she is constantly on the lookout for new challenges. Since her days as the world's most renowned Supermodel, Carol has gone on to be multi-award winning actor, successful entrepreneur, best-selling author on Raw Food and Nutrition, and the host of A Healthy You & Carol Alt on FOX News Channel. Hailed as the "Most Beautiful Woman in the World by Playboy Magazine and the "Next Million Dollar Face" by Life Magazine in 1980, Carol has not disappointed; going...